Go Forth Goods

As seen time and time again, many of the makers that we are drawn to are those who personally were tired of the disposable, nondurable manufacturing processes that made their way into every facet of our lives over the past half century.  Quick and cheap replaced thoughtful and dependable as words that described many products on the shelves of major retailers, and ideas suggesting consumers to just buy another one when it breaks instead of purchasing products that would passed down to the next generation.  It took me 30 years to realize this, but Go Forth Goods are helping spread the message of quality products so it hopefully doesn’t take others as long to recognize the desire for quality over quantity.

Founded in 2014 in Marietta, Georgia, Go Forth Goods makes a wide range of high quality leather goods from bags and belts to wallets and watch straps.  Our friends that have their bags love them and especially their made-to-order options like pockets, zippers, straps and feet.

images via @goforthgoods

Go Forth Goods and their principles hope to inspire everyone to “go forth and do good” and they lead by example with their community outreach.  A portion of their profits are given to various non-profits in their area.  You can keep up with their featured organization here. Be sure to check out the rest of their collection and read more about their level of quality while you’re on their site.

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